We are supercharging our climate impact by using Offset Earth to plant a tree automatically every time you make a purchase on londonrefinery.co.uk. Check out The London Refinery forest and find how many trees we have planted so far and or add another here. https://offset.earth/projects/peruvian-protection-of-the-amazonhttps://offset.earth/projects
Lucy our founder was asked to be on the panel for one of Tide's recent Zoom Masterclasses. Also Liza Haskell - VP People & Culture from Tide and Shak Welch - Team Lead KYC and Culture Club Lead from Tide were on the panel too. Here are a few points Lucy covered in the Masterclass; Empowering employees through engagement, fun and culture. Virtual Togetherness Make your meetings visual, think about all the senses, use smell, sight, and touch too. Ditch the PowerPoint and get interact with your teams, ask questions and involve them with your presentation. Virtual Workshops Get teams together by trying a...
Just when she thought her 2020 dreams of learning to make candles were over, Alex, from CraftCourses HQ, discovered London Refinery's home kits with live tutorial so jumped at the opportunity. Here's part of her blog below or read the whole article here. https://www.craftcourses.com/blog/learn-new-crafts-on-lockdown-i-tried-candlemaking-and-it-was-amazing If I was ever unsure about how the face to face classroom experience would translate into an online, very socially distanced format my concerns were promptly alleviated by the warm Zoom call welcome from our tutor, Lucy, and that she had thought of everything to ensure that we were armed and prepared with all the kit and...